Early years -Children

(2-4 years)

When it all really begins

At this stage, so important for their development, children become familiar with a stimulating school life where discovery and fun are the main ingredients of a program that initially teaches through play.


Children enjoy learning through play, in a positive and safe environment, with fun as the main ingredient.


We encourage curiosity, creativity and imagination to develop oral, literacy and arithmetic skills.

Key activities

We plan cultural and recreational activities, individually, in groups and with the whole class, adapted to their learning needs.

The school day offers the children different practical and creative activities, where in addition to teaching them to develop oral, literacy and arithmetic skills, emphasis is placed on independence and social interaction.

Children participate in activities with the whole class, in small groups and individually, always adapted to their learning needs. The activities are planned according to different themes and incorporate cultural and recreational activities, which are so important for families.

One of our main goals for children in early childhood education is to create a positive and safe environment in which they can enjoy learning through play. To this end, we encourage curiosity and imagination inside and outside the classroom.

In images