Webmaster´s Letter for the New Website

A school is far more than just facilities and equipment. It is a place filled with human warmth that makes our kids feel safe, loved and inspired. Where there is a breathable joy that motivates hearts and minds to move ahead, to grow, to make friends. A place to build “confidence and self-esteem through a healthy, positive attitude towards learning”.

A website is more than a simple online leaflet. It is an informative place, with regular updates on the School´s activities. Where parents get enough information about our values, our beliefs, our way of understanding school life as a family that enhances the children´s personalities. Thus, this new website is conceived and designed to be the virtual platform that supports all these ideas.

Technically speaking, Numont School´s new website is visible on all devices (maybe not that much on a 1998 Nokia phone, but you get the idea) thanks to its native responsive design.

And the important part: it has been developed with participation in mind. An interactive forum to share knowledge, experiences and exciting stories.

As father of former Numont School´s students I´m proud of having had the chance to participate in this project. My thanks to Sarah Swanson for her trust, and Joanna for the coordination of the material included in this new website.

Enjoy it. Best personal regards,

Alberto Losada Gamst